Saturday, October 20, 2007

The First Trades

My funds settled into my account 10th of October. However, the zecco trading platform wasn't working so i had to contact the customer support team. They actually fixed the problem in about 4 hours which was surprising considering the forums i read. I think the trick was to be polite and give a lot of information.

I made my first trades on Thursday the 18th. I tried my best to pick the best 5 stocks on my watch lists. I decided to split the 2k into 5 equal parts and invest $400 into each stock. Due to the uneven prices though i ended up with $100 extra dollars which is good for a little security.
I bought:

AAPL 3@172.13
ANW 9@44.65
EXM 5@75.24
GSOL 12@30.87
VIP 13@30.62

If anyone was watching that day the market was pretty mixed, but my picks went up about $80. Then on Friday it was a whole different story. All three major indices (NASDAQ 100, S&P 500, and DOW 30) went down about 2.5%. NONE of my stocks were immune to the fall and i lost $100.

So after 2 days i'm down about 1%. Whatever. Stay in the Game.

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